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Chronicles of COVID-19

Brid, Cork City


Brid, Cork City
COVID-19 (Disease)
Ireland; Cork; 2020s:
15 April 2020
Cork Folklore Project
Cork Folklore Project

Cork City




It was a slow story to unfold in my head. It was something that was happening elsewhere. I wasn't really engaging with it as I was caught up in the rush of everyday life. However, our daughter was in Northern Italy skiing just as it was starting to break out there. A week or so after she returned, the news of cases happening here were being reported. I think this is when I really started to become uncomfortable and worried a little about it. She is in Transition Year and was going on placement and I had concerns that she might have contracted it and might pass it on. Soon after returning she was out with friends and got really wet and as a consequence got sick. I felt sure that it was nothing to do with being in Italy, but nevertheless I spoke to our GP's receptionist and was advised to speak with the HSE Helpline to get advice. It was felt that it was unlikely she had COVID. She had a cough and sore throat, but no temperature or shortness of breath and it was over two weeks since she had been in Italy, so we just cared for her at home without taking her to the GP.
Even with this experience I still didn't think the situation would develop as it has. I was due to go to Portugal at the end of April and felt sure that it would be fine, but speaking with one of my friends who was quite scared by the situation, was adamant that we wouldn't be going. I felt she was maybe overthinking and panicked, but I know now that she was right.
At work for weeks before the restrictions were enforced, we were preparing for it to happen and this became more pronounced in the days before, although we had hoped it wouldn't happen for a few more weeks. We were careful about assignments being taken in and had limited the physical contact with the documents, wearing gloves and washing hands constantly. We were set up with laptops days before we heard the announcement that on the next day schools and universities would close their buildings. Standing in the office with colleagues hearing this news will stay with me forever.
I have a calm and rational nature and try not to get worked up by things, but when I was home initially, I worried about food supplies and so didn't want to waste anything. We got fuel in and I did buy extra pasta and toilet roll :). I was glad that we were being given clear instructions from the outset by the Government and HSE Executive.
Leo Varadkar's speech on St Patrick's Night was another historic moment and again one I will remember. The message that we are doing this to protect the most vulnerable in our society meant a lot and as a family we were glad that this was the approach being taken.
I have close and extended family in London and New York as well as other parts of the world so have been concerned for their wellbeing.
Now I keep an eye on the news and COVID-19's progress here and abroad. Just once a day in enough for me and my family and we discuss it and then talk about other things or just get on with our evening.


I work part time, so three days a week I am working from home at the kitchen table, which I hope to shift up to the box room when a small desk I have ordered arrives. It hasn't been easy to stay focused and so my day is broken up with bouts of productivity and then moments of distraction. So my hope is that having my work situated away from the family space will help.
List of Everyday activities in no particular order:
Zooming or WhatsApping with drama group or other friends and family
Gardening on days off
On-Line Yoga a number of times a week
practicing guitar and taking on line classes
Watching TV - The Middle mainly, but also You Tube plays i.e. NT
Social Media - FB and WhatsApp mainly
Shopping - Twice a week
Listening to music - decided to work through classical composers that I'm not familiar with
The only ritual so far I've encountered is Mother's Day, which was marked and it was relaxed and I marked it with a hot bath, reading and listening to music.
However, I have sent condolences through to a few people I know who have lost relatives, something new for me.


A few close friends are single parents with teenage sons. It can be intense trying to either keep them motivated in one case or deal with their over motivation in another case.


Toilet paper shortages were the big joke or source of annoyance at the start of the restrictions. There have been lots of jokes, video and mimes going around. People are amusing each other also with quizzes, puzzles and riddles. A joke about dressing up to go out to bring in the wheelie bin stands out. Lots of people singing and sharing this on FB. A friend on a WhatsApp group I'm on shares a poem each day and then others might chip in from time to time with theirs. People are sharing lots of resources of free concerts, plays, films etc.
Lighting candles in windows is something that is happening, which I was doing from time to time at the start, but has been encouraged (CFP – have been discouraged)from time to time.
On walks people are either turning away as if shunning you or desperate to talk while maintaining the 2m distancing.
Words being used: unprecedented, strange, unusual, historic times.


Toilet paper shortages were the big joke or source of annoyance at the start of the restrictions. There have been lots of jokes, video and mimes going around. People are amusing each other also with quizzes, puzzles and riddles. A joke about dressing up to go out to bring in the wheelie bin stands out. Lots of people singing and sharing this on FB. A friend on a WhatsApp group I'm on shares a poem each day and then others might chip in from time to time with theirs. People are sharing lots of resources of free concerts, plays, films etc.
Lighting candles in windows is something that is happening, which I was doing from time to time at the start, but has been encouraged (CFP – have been discouraged) from time to time.
On walks people are either turning away as if shunning you or desperate to talk while maintaining the 2m distancing.
Words being used: unprecedented, strange, unusual, historic times glad to talk and be in contact.
glad to talk and be in contact.


When will it all be over? I'm involved in directing a play and have set new dates, but wonder will this even happen. How to keep the cast motivated and still not annoy them when they have enough to worry about. I really want to go on a holiday and we are booked to go to Greece in July, will be disappointed if can't go, but realise it might be the case.
Have been working in our garden a lot, both my husband and I and it has been a great source of enjoyment and hope. We know that we are really lucky to have it and every job we do will benefit us as we know we will be spending a lot of time in it this year. I've been sharing its progress on FB and getting nice feedback. I joke about uncovering a Roman Villa, when it’s really our small circular patio at the back of the garden. It was something my husband had said when it was much neglected a number of years ago. This year we have time on our hands!!


No Response.


No Response.


I think we were a nation that was becoming more comfortable with hugs and public affection, and it may take time to return to these ways again.
A community spirit is showing itself, with people helping neighbours, getting newspapers or groceries for people who are cocooning. Finding ways to stay connected and be there for each other, checking in as they say.
There is a lot not ok with our society and before this happened; things like housing, homelessness, drugs, hospital backlogs, direct provision were all big problems. We are certain to face a huge recession, but I hope our values will have changed and we as a society will look to making those issues a priority after this.
I think it will take time for people to feel comfortable gathering in groups or going places, but we might also bounce back and relish these things after being without them for so long.


I'm missing going to church, not that I did on a regular basis, but just now to sit in a quiet church would be a great comfort. Strange to think that holy water could be a source of infection, but I understand it is and yet it has been a ritual I've brought into my present life from my parents, particularly my Mother.


I've experienced black outs (1974), summers with drought (1976), winters with severe snow (1982), BSC in Scotland (early 90s), Foot and Mouth outbreaks (2001), but this is something that stands out as nothing else. I now think about my mother's parents dealing with the 1918 Spanish Flu when my uncle Sean died at 6 weeks. My father's parents dealing with the death of their son Ned in his thirties from TB. These pandemics came before and now I feel connected with them through this current outbreak.
The loss of livelihoods and jobs is something that strikes me and I feel sorry for people working in hospitality and tourism, the arts and entertainment and any industry that has had to stop as a result of the outbreak.
I'm grateful for technology and how it has helped so much to stay in contact with loved ones as well as a great source of entertainment, distraction and information.
We've all had to slow down and take stock and realise what is important, but it is a shame that people have had to lose their lives for this to happen.
