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- Tags: Allotments
Johnny Chris Kelleher: The Evening Echo, Schooldays, Tuberculosis
Tags: Allotments, Anglesea Street, Barrett’s Buildings, BBC, Bingo, Bird-Catching, Blackpool, Bowling, Boxing, Boy Murphy, Card Games, Children’s Games, Children’s Mass, Christy Ring, Churchfield, Coliseum Theatre, Corbett’s Lane, Cork Corporation, Don, Donncha Ó Céileachair, Drisheen, Echo Boys, Evening Echo, Fair Hill, Fairs, Father O’Flynn, Faulkner’s Lane, Food, Gurranabraher, Gurranabraher Road, Hiroshima, Housey Housey, Housing, Irish Language, Jack Lynch, Johnny Chris Kelleher, Kearney’s Lane, Margaret O’Sullivan, Mossy Condon, Newsboys, Newspapers, Nicknames, Northside, O’Flynn family; O’Gorman’s Factory, Pádraig Ó hÓgáin, Polly Kelleher, Seán O’Mahony, Sketchy Roche, Slaughterhouses, Social Housing, Sport, St Anne’s Hurling Club, Street names, TB, The Holly Bough, Tommy Hyde, Tommy Kelleher, Trimbath Mulcahy, Trimbath’s Lane, Tripe, Tripe Houses, Tuberculosis, Walter McEvilly, Working class, Working life, World War II
Creena O’Connell: Gurranabraher, Shawls, Allotments
She recalls a…
Liam Ó hUigín: Henry Street, Bonfire Night, Childhood Games, Messenger Boys.
He was a messenger boy in the 1950s; he talks about the job and its good and bad aspects. He…
Paddy Marshall: Blackpool, Pidgeon Racing, Cinema,
Pat Saville: Blackpool, Working Life, Sport,
He describes the shops and…
Pete Newman: Shandon Street, Unemployment, Machoness,
Cyclists going up Shandon Street used to hold on to the back of buses, which…
Seán Lane: Blarney Street, Butchers, Bowling,
He talks about his childhood. Children were always on the lookout for any opportunity to make a penny, such as cow-herding…
Tom Jones: Shandon Street, Emigration, Childhood
He remembers watching the Cork Opera House on fire in 1955. He recalls childhood games and explains the game of Kick the Can and Pitch and Toss. He talks about the nature of…