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Bernie McLoughlin recalls the old Assembly Rooms cinema on South Mall.

"Saturday was always a trip into the Assembly Rooms, a cinema there on the South Mall. The structure, the building is still there now. It was a real old type,…

Bernie McLoughlin recalls attending the Opera House and people's love of music.

An excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator recalls summer holidays.

Bernie McLoughlin remembers first seeing bananas and bottles of Coke in the shops.

Sean Lane remembers how Banjo of Banjo's pub on Blarney Street would get home after drinking on North Main Street.

Brenda Stillwell came to realise "I'm sure he thought I was playing hard to get".

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Marie Crean recalls some dos and don’ts associated with laying out the dead.

"I remember characters. There was an elderly lady that used wash the dead and the dying, and she was very particular, you know. There was just --whether it…

Excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator reflects on memories of his grandmother's house in the 1960s.


"And the other way round then, wed come home every summer and my Grandmother lived in Gillabbey Street. And she…

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Excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator speaks of working in McKechnie's Cleaners, liberating some dresses in their care.

"So I came and I worked in McKechnies, you know the cleaners. They used to dye and clean and…

Excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator Michael O'Caalaghan reflects on his memories of returning to Cork on Holidays from London


"London was a long way away at that stage. We used to ring, my mother, we'd ring…
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