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Sean Lane remembers how Banjo of Banjo's pub on Blarney Street would get home after drinking on North Main Street.

The narrator discusses the customs and rules of wearing shawls in her neighbourhood.

"Mrs. Lynch who lived over on Bird's Quay, Mrs. Lynch was a terror for getting shawls. You see, if people died, that was the first thing Bridgie…

Excerpt from oral history interview where the narrator tells of the average day of a masons apprentice

Brenda Stillwell came to realise "I'm sure he thought I was playing hard to get".

Excerpt from oral history interview where the narrator tells of his Father sourcing ivory for bagpipes in the 1950s Cork

"Ya, and he had a small shop there and he made the pipes at the back of the shop, again it was quite a small area…

Bernie McLoughlin remembers first seeing bananas and bottles of Coke in the shops.

Noel Magnier describes the experience of a bonfire night in Cork. The customs and traditions around the fire, gathering different materials for burning in preparation for bonfire night and preventing them from being stolen by rival…

Excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator Michael O'Caalaghan reflects on his memories of returning to Cork on Holidays from London


"London was a long way away at that stage. We used to ring, my mother, we'd ring…

Excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator reflects on memories of sweet treats and robbing apples in her youth.

"I grew up in the Lower Road just below Water Street, and we used to come up to get the chocolate crumb off…

As a child, Jim Mckeon hated his daily chore of collecting waste for the family pigs while all his friends were playing football.

"My weekly, my daily chore that I hated was to tackle up Pedro the donkey, we had a few pigs, and go…
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