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Excerpt from an oral history interview

"TJ And the stories of going down to Youghal of course, where you know, I mean there was one person paid and twenty-three children went in with the person.

CFP: Went in where?

TJ: On the…

An excerpt from an oral history interview wherein the narrator describes a concrete dog drinking bowl on Patrick Street.

"If you’re passing, you know Black Tie. Just below that right, there’s a little, or do you know what there’s a…

Excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator reflects on memories of sweet treats and robbing apples in her youth.

"I grew up in the Lower Road just below Water Street, and we used to come up to get the chocolate crumb off…

Excerpt from an oral history project where the narrator reflects on the power of the Catholic Church and how the father of one family was adamant that his daughter would be named Valera despite protestations.

My third sister was…

Noel Magnier describes the experience of a bonfire night in Cork. The customs and traditions around the fire, gathering different materials for burning in preparation for bonfire night and preventing them from being stolen by rival…

Tom Jones talks about having 'rasa' and 'gudge cake' or chester cake. 'Rasa' is a raspberry cordial which is diluted with water. 'Gudge cake' is a local cake which is made with fruit and is heavy in the stomach.


"There was The…

A description of all the cinemas in Cork city and the varying and distinctly different experiences they offered, from what was considered the best to the worst.

"I've great memories too of the old cinemas. I can name all the cinemas.…

The narrator discusses the customs and rules of wearing shawls in her neighbourhood.

"Mrs. Lynch who lived over on Bird's Quay, Mrs. Lynch was a terror for getting shawls. You see, if people died, that was the first thing Bridgie…

Excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator reflects on skating on Lavitts Quay, a local hall used by the scouts and the Legion of Mary and the sorting of potatoes in the Coal Quay and eating the ones that were thrown away.…

Excerpt from oral history interview where the narrator tells of a rat frequenting a bar

"But anyway yeah so I went up to the end of the bar and there was a guy just standing next to me and he was eh he was a punk and he had mohawk but…
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