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Fergal describes working in the Munster Arcade and tells a few stories about the place.


"Before Penney's there was a very well known shop in Cork, Munster Arcade. It was a real old fashioned drapery and general merchandise store,…

Excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator reflects on his time as a messenger boy working in Cork City

"I was a messenger boy in Musgrave’s in the ‘50s, the early fifties and there was lots of messenger boys in Cork…

An excerpt from an oral history interview wherein the narrator describes a concrete dog drinking bowl on Patrick Street.

"If you’re passing, you know Black Tie. Just below that right, there’s a little, or do you know what there’s a…

Excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator reflects on the happenings of a given bus journey.


"Oh, that was a macho thing like everybody had to learn how to whistle like you know what I mean? It was like eh, like there…

It's always exciting I think for anyone moving away from home for the first time and realize you actually have to buy your own milk. It's one of the things, because we, I grew up on a farm and it was the first time I ever had to buy milk in my life.…

Tom Jones talks about having 'rasa' and 'gudge cake' or chester cake. 'Rasa' is a raspberry cordial which is diluted with water. 'Gudge cake' is a local cake which is made with fruit and is heavy in the stomach.


"There was The…

Excerpt from an oral history interview

"TJ And the stories of going down to Youghal of course, where you know, I mean there was one person paid and twenty-three children went in with the person.

CFP: Went in where?

TJ: On the…

Margaret Newman.jpg
Excerpt from an oral history interview where the narrator speaks of working in McKechnie's Cleaners, liberating some dresses in their care.

"So I came and I worked in McKechnies, you know the cleaners. They used to dye and clean and…

Bernie McLoughlin recalls the old Assembly Rooms cinema on South Mall.

"Saturday was always a trip into the Assembly Rooms, a cinema there on the South Mall. The structure, the building is still there now. It was a real old type,…
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