David Walker: Family, Cinema, Holidays, Scotland,

David Walker.jpg


David Walker: Family, Cinema, Holidays, Scotland,


Life History; Family;


David talks briefly about his childhood in Scotland.
David’s father was the manager of a country estate. He talks about the idyllic life there and recalls childhood activities such as going to the cinema.

Note; This interview was conducted as part of the Cork 2005 Project


17 December 2004




Cork; Ireland; Scotland; 1950s - 1960s;


Cork Folklore Project Audio Archive






1.wav File




12m 03s


Washington St, Cork City, Ireland.

Original Format


Bit Rate/Frequency

16bit / 44.1kHz


The following is a short extract from the interview transcript, copyright of the Cork Folklore Project. If you wish to access further archival material please contact CFP, folklorearchive@gmail.com

L.C.: So Dave em can you tell me a little bit more about you know what a treat was for you as a child can you think of any more examples.

D.W.: We didn’t by then we didn’t real do much I mean birthdays were, there be a birthday cake and stuff it was no it wasn’t a big deal, presents tended to be because
I‘m born on the 25th of November there was either one big present for both Christmas and birthday or a couple of little ones. Em we didn’t used go much visit relatives maybe, well I’d say trips to the cinema and that was more we’d used go and stay with my gran and granddad in Girvan for a week at a time in the summer holidays as much to give my mum and dad a break I suppose, so we used to go to the cinema then and as part of that whole seaside town, I associate the seaside, the beach, and the cinema and café and Ital the was loads on the west of Scotland more throughout Scotland there was loads of Italian cafes there all run by Italians who turned up around the World War Two and they all made I don’t know about now, but they all used to make their own ice cream you’d get a real proper ice cream in cones not this stuff with the flake in it you know what I mean . It wasn’t the fl.. it wasn’t so much the flavour we used to get vanilla and stuff but big cones of it and getting all sticky and ice cream everywhere it was great its was and the cinema as well and it wasn’t the whole range of like snacks and lemonade and stuff you know at all. There was just you know popcorn I remember crisps actually I don’t know if I remember popcorn, crisps and orange juice, like fizzy orange yuck horrible I mean now its horrible it just so sweet but as a kid it was great you know. So I can remember going up the steps and in the doors and everything big yeah and sitting on those seats would fall down and as kid you would be really careful because if get it wrong they flip up on ye you know and yeah I remember the dark just that anticipation waiting for the film to start because it was all, we didn’t have a tele for years and years. The first thing I really remember on the tele would be 63, 64 or something I was about eight or nine years old by then, I don’t have any of tele’s before that really.



Cork Folklore Project , “David Walker: Family, Cinema, Holidays, Scotland,,” accessed May 3, 2024, https://corkfolklore.org/archivecatalolgue/document/43.