Adam Skotarczak: Immigration, Poland, Weddings,

Adam Skotarczak


Adam Skotarczak: Immigration, Poland, Weddings,


Life History; Poland; Ireland;


Adam was born in Poland, and talks in very brief terms about his childhood and about living in Cork.

Note; This interview was conducted as part of the Cork 2005 Project


29 January 2005




Cork; Ireland; Poland; 2000s;


Cork Folklore Project Audio Archive






1.wav File




38m 38s


Cork City, Ireland.

Original Format


Bit Rate/Frequency

16bit / 44.1kHz


The following is a short extract from the interview transcript, copyright of the Cork Folklore Project. If you wish to access further archival material please contact CFP,

F.Q: Oh yes. I’m going to move you along now and ask you em how did you end up in Cork?

A.S: Em my friend was here eh he came here three months before me, and he invite me here, he told me that the people here are very nice. So I came here.

F.Q: And did you know anything very much about Ireland or Cork before you came?

A.S: Eh I knew a little bit about Ireland, but not about Cork exactly, about Ireland.

F.Q: So when you got here, what was your first impression of Cork?

A.S: Eh beautiful city, a lot of different colours, people are always smiling, are really nice, very helpful for people from different countries, this was my first. . .

F.Q: Impression yeah.

A.S: Impression.

F.Q: So em did you have any trouble settling in?

A.S: No, no there was no trouble for me!

F.Q: What about your friend, had he a place got for you, a place to stay?

A.S: Yes, yes, yes, now I live with him.

F.Q: Yes, em getting a job, was it easy to get a job?

A.S: Eh yes, yes it was easy, but now everyday it’s harder to find a job here. . .

F.Q: Yes, yeah.

A.S: Because more people are coming here to Ireland, so everyday it’s harder.

F.Q: Would there be a bit Polish community in Cork?

A.S: Yes, yes, there is a lot of Polish people here.

F.Q: And would you meet up with them?

A.S: Yes of course, we meet from time to time with our friends, we go to pubs or clubs, have a good fun, drinks.

F.Q: Em when you came to Cork first, did you have difficulty with the Cork accent?

A.S: Yes Irish accent is sometimes difficult. It depends was I talking to one man, it was easy to understand him for me, but sometimes I meet different people, and they talking with different accent, and sometime it’s really hard to understand them.



Cork Folklore Project , “Adam Skotarczak: Immigration, Poland, Weddings,,” accessed May 2, 2024,