

We're happy to make the audio archives of the Cork Folklore Project available to a wider audience and hope you enjoy these stories of Cork, past and present. Special thanks to all who shared their stories and put themselves on the map!

Move your cursor over a marker on the map to find out something about the story and the storyteller, then click on the marker to hear the audio. Users accessing the site on mobile-friendly pages may need to click here to see the map.

We will be adding more points to the map in the future, and we plan to link the individual stories to our archive catalogue entries, so do return to explore more.

If you would like to create your own memory map, we have written a set of step-by-step guidelines that outline how this website was made.

The Cork Folklore Project is a non-profit community research and oral history archive, founded in partnership with the Department of Folklore and Ethnology at University College Cork, Northside Community Enterprises and FÁS. For more information visit the CFP Website.

All the stories are from interviewees who generously shared their time and experiences with us. By clicking to enter the site you agree to treat the material with respect.

© Cork Folklore Projec