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Tony grew up in Canada. He came to Cork during the 1990s, and he talks about his impressions of the city.
His father was Irish, his mother English. He talks about growing up in Canada, where he learned the guitar and played in a band. He came to…

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Robert talks in detail about growing up in South Africa, and makes some observations about Cork places and people.
Robert (b. 1969) is from a gold-mining town in South Africa. He talks about mining conditions there. He comments that South Africa has…

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Murty O’Sullivan, who grew up in Blackpool, is the third generation in the building trade as a stonemason, with the fourth generation just starting. He describes the tradition of families passing on trades through the generations and the difficulties…

Jim Fahy Picture July 2016.jpg
Jim Fahy is a stonemason who was interviewed in 2015 by Michael Moore from the Cork Folklore Project, also a stonemason. Jim Fahy comes from several generations of stonemasons on both sides of his family. He describes the ‘closed trade’ system, which…

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Andy Hawkins was born in The Marsh and lived there until he was 7 when his family moved to Mayfield. He was the youngest of nine. He went to St Francis School. His father ran a small carpentry business in The Marsh. His father died when Andy was…
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