Browse Items (6 total)

Paul talks about the challenges of being gay in Ireland, coming out, family reactions and the evolution of social attitudes toward homosexuality in Catholic Ireland. He talks about the club scene in late 1990s Cork and the legalisation of…

Pat McCarthy (née Byrnes) is from Shandon Street. She grew up in Mahony’s Terrace, overlooking Pope’s Quay which she knew as the Sand Quay. Her father worked as a lorry driver. She remembers Shandon Street having bakeries and butchers. There were…

Padraig talks about his experiences as a gay man.
He regrets that his early homosexual encounters were within the cottaging scene. He mentions places and pubs where gay men met. He mentions the Cork word ‘steamer’ used by the general public to…

Marie (b. 1938) grew up in Barrack Street. She left school at 16 and started working.
She talks about the games she played as a child and recites part of a rhyme. You could pick blackberries and sell them to a sweet-makers. Oranges and bananas as…

Jonathan Neville was interviewed for the LGBT Archive at CFP. He discusses the challenge of being gay in Ireland in the 1980s to the present and the challenge of coming out. His discussion of the detrimental physical health ramifications of…

Donie was born in 1948. His family lived in Stream Hill, and then in Gardiner’s Hill. He used to visit his grandmother’s house in Carrigadrohid, which had no running water nor electricity. He talks about going to the well and collecting…
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