Browse Items (12 total)
- Tags: Pubs
Pat O'Brien: Northside, Pubs, Childhood,
He talks briefly about the pub trade. The Holy Hour was observed within the city limits (a break…
Noreen Cronin: Shandon, The North Infirmary, Childhood
Mary Morgan
Marie Finn: Barrack Street, Blackberry-picking, Catholic Church,
She talks about the games she played as a child and recites part of a rhyme. You could pick blackberries and sell them to a sweet-makers. Oranges and bananas as…
Liam Ó hUigín: Henry Street, The Marshes, Childhood
He recalls the practice of adding “a” to the end of some placenames, such as Pana for Patrick Street. There…
Tags: 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, Childhood Games, Churches, Clothing, Confectionery, Daly’s Bridge, Dunnes Stores, English market, Henry Street, Liam Ō hUigín, Mackey Gumboil, Mardyke, Milk and Cake Shops, Ogilvy and Moore’s, ohn Daly, Patrick Street, Pike family, Pike’s Marsh, Portney’s Lane, Pubs, Quakers, River Lee, Robert Day’s, Shaky Bridge, Sheares Street, Shops, Slang, Sport, Tenements, The Savoy, William Penn
Kevin Leahy: Gurranabraher, Irish Army, Docklands,
He remembers Blarney Street, and women who…
Tags: 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 2000s, Childhood Games, Civil War, Confectionery, Courting, Crubeens, Damie Goggins, Dancing, Dock Workers, Dockers, Drinking, Farranree, Greenmount, Gurranabraher, Irish Army, Irish music, Kelly’s Lane, Kevin Leahy, Kick the Can, Langer, Milk and Cake Shops, Munster Selection, Pubs, Skating, Steering Cars, Steernas, The Congo, Women, Working life
Tom Spalding: North Main Street
Tags: Academy Street, Adelaide Street, Barrack Street, Camden Quay, Carron Foundry, Castle Inn, Castle Street, Cork Exhibition, Dalton’s Avenue, Fishamble Street, Fitzgerald’s Park, Leader’s, Liberty Street, Lower Glanmire Road, North Main Street, Paradise Place, Piccadilly Lane, Post boxes, Pubs, Rutland Street, Signage, South Main Street, St. Peter’s Church, Street Furniture, Street names, Tom Spalding, Vandeleur‘s Lane, Wellington Road
Denis Murphy: Blackpool, Pubs, Food,
Millfield Cottages were built near the mill houses that existed there since…
Derek O'Connell: Grattan Street, Healthcare, Working Life
Tags: Accident and Emergency, Alcohol, Autism, Baths, Being a Man, Blarney Street, Boys, Bubble Car, Cards, Career, Career Path, Cathedral Road, CBC, Characters, Child Rearing, Childbirth, Childhood Games, Children’s Games, Chipper, Christian Brothers, Cigarettes, Class, Cork, Cork city, Cork Exhibition, Cork University Hospital, Cycling, Disease, Doctor, dyslexia, Eglington Street Baths, Eglinton Street Baths, Elitism, Emigration, Fish, Fitzgerald’s Park, Food, Games, GP, Grandparents, Guilt, Gurranebraher Road, Hettyfield, Hollyhill, Hospital, Houses, Hypothyroid, Injuries, Intuition, Knitting, Lavitt's Quay, Leaving Certificate, Maylor Street, Measles, Medical Training, Medical Treatment, Medicine, Mental Health, Mercy Hospital, North Infirmary, Northside, Nursing, One Day A Week School, Parents, Patients, Pawn Shops, Placenames, Playing, Polio, Ponnies, Psychiatric, Public Baths, Public Health, Public Health Nurse, Pubs, Respectability, Role of Women, Rugby, Sarsfield Court, School, Schooldays, Shawlie, Shawlies, Shawls, Social Media, Social Status, Spanish Civil War, St Aloysius, stigma, TB, Teachers, Templeacre Bar, Tenements, The Marsh, Tuberculosis, UCC Philosoph, Uniforms, University, University College Cork, Vaccines, whooping cough, Winter's Hill, Working, Working life, Workplace, Wyses Hill
Mary Mulcahy: Grattan Street, Healthcare, The Marsh
Tags: Alcohol, Baths, Candy Apples, Children’s Games, Christmas, Class, Class Attitudes, Coal Quay, Confession, Cork Boat Club, Diphtheria, Division of Housework, Drinking, Elite, English market, Fasting, Fitzgerald’s Park, Food, Franciscans, Friends, Friendship, Funerals, Gerald Griffin Street, Gratitude, Grattan Street, Gresham Rooms, Happiness, Happy Memories, Health, Holidays, Illness, LDF, Lee Fields, Lent, Local Defence Force, Marriage, Massgoing, Medicine, Memories, Middle Parish, Neighbours, North Cathedral, Offal, Philosophy of life, Polio, Pub Culture, Pubs, Quakers, Religion, Religious Observation, Role of Men, Role of Women, Routine, Sanitation, School, Sex, Sheares Street, Shopping, Shops, Showbands, Singing, Skirts and Kidneys, Slang, Songs, St Francis Church, St Francis Hall, St Maries of the Isle, St Peter and Paul’s Church, St. Francis Hall, Sweets, Swim, Swimming, Tenements, The Arcadia, The Marsh, Traffic, Train, Transport, Tripe, Tripe and Drisheen, Work, Working class, Youghal
Liam Ó hUigín: Grattan Street, Healthcare, The Marsh
Tags: Accommodation, Adelaide Street, Air Raid Shelter, Alcohol, Bakeries, Bakery, Ballypheane, Ballyphehane, Barbers, bars, Bathing, Baths, Billycan, Bonfire Night, Bread, Breakfast, Broad Lane, Buildings, Bullycans, Business, businesses, Buying on Credit, Cagney, Car, Cars, Catholic Devotion, Catholicism, Cemetery, changing technology, Chase, Chemist, Childhood, Childhood Games, Children, Children’s Games, Christmas, Christmas Cake, Church, Churches, Cigarettes, Class, Clothes, Clothing, Coal, Coal Quay, Coleman’s Lane, Community Centre, Connie Dodgers, Cooking, Corner Shop, Corner Shops, Credit, Credit Union, Crubeen, Crubeens, Customer, Customers, Dagenham Yank, Death, Dermot’s Shop, Disease, Diseases, Dispensary, Docker, Dockers, Docks, Dr, Drink, Drisheen, Eglinton Baths, Elizabeth Fort, Elysian Tower, Emigrant, Emigrants, Emigration, Employment, Families, Family, Fast, Fasting, Father, Fighting, Fights, Fire Brigade, Fire Station, Fishermen, Food, Football, Friends, Friendship, Fuel, Fuel Poverty, Gender Roles, Golf, Grandmother, Grattan Street, Grattan Street Health Centre, Grattan Street Medical Centre, Graveyard, Great Coat, Hair Lice, Hairdresser, Hairdressers, Headstones, Health, Heating, Henry Street, Hobbies, Home, Hospital, House, Illness, Illnesses, Jewellery, Lanes, Laneways, LDF, Lee, Lee Baths, Lee Fields, Lent, Lice, Living Arrangements, Local Defence Force, Lunch, Manning’s Shop, Mardyke, Marsh, Mass, Mass-Going, Meal, Meals, Meat, Medication, Medicine, Medicines, Meningitis, Mental Health, Mercy Hospital, Middle Parish, Midwife, Mischief, Money, Mother, North Main Street, Nurse, Nurses, Opening Hours, Outdoor Baths, Outdoor Swimming, Outdoor Toilet, Parents, Pastimes, Patrick Hanley Buildings, Pawn Shops, Pawning, Pawns, Pawnshops, Peter Church Lane, Pharmacist, Pharmacy, Phone, Phones, Planking, Playing, Poverty, Public House, Public Houses, Pubs, Race, Radio, Religion, River Lee, Sandwich, Sanitation, School, Schooldays, Second World War, Shandon, Shandon Bells, Sheares Street, Shoes, Shopkeeper, Shops, Sick, Sickness, Skipping, Skipping School, Slang, Soccer, Social Conditions, South Main Street, Spinning Top, Sport, St Francis Church, St Peter’s, St Peter’s Cemetery, St. Francis Church, Street Games, Streets, Sugar, Sullivan’s Quay, Sweets, Swim, Swimming, Telephone, Telephones, Tenement, tenement houses, Tenements, Terence MacSwiney, The Lee, The Marsh, The Middle Parish, Theft, Tin, Tinsmith, Toilet, Toilets, Tory Top Road, Traditions, Traffic, Tripe, Tripe and Drisheen, Vaccination, vaccine, Vaccines, Vegetables, Vincent’s Bridge, Voucher, Vouchers, Watches, Weir, Winter, Woolworths, Work, Working, World War II, World War Two, WW2
Joe Scanlan: Grattan Street, Healthcare, The Marsh
Tags: Accommodation, Addiction, Adelaide Street, Alcohol, Alcoholics Anonymous, Alcoholism, Alleys, Angler, Angling, Animals, Anti-Social Behaviour, Asylum, Bailiff, Bar, bars, boys fighting, Bread, Building, Built Heritage, Car, Car Park, Caretaker, Carpark, Cars, Cart, Cemetery, Characters, Childhood, Children, Children’s Games, Chipper, Chippers, Chips, Cigarettes, Cinema, City Centre, Clothes, Coal Quay, Cocoa, Coleman’s Lane, Community, Cooking, Cork Characters, Corporal Punishment, Crime, Dermot’s Shop, development, Disease, Diseases, Dispensary, Doctor, Doctors, Drink, Edel House, Families, Family, Farmers, Father, Fighting, Fights, Film, Films, Fish and Chips, Fishing, Fishing Rod, Fitzgerald’s Park, Fleas, Food, Forde’s, Friends, Fruit, Gamblers Anonymous, Games, Garda, Gardai, Grandmother, Grattan Street, Graveyard, Halloween, Headlice, Health, health and hygiene, Home, Home Ownership, Horse, Horse and Cart, Horses, House, House Ownership, Housing, HSE, Hygiene, Ice-cream, Illness, income inequality, Inequality, Joseph’s School, Kick the Bucket, Lee Fields, Lice, Liver, Liver Disease, London, markets, Marsh, Mass, Meals, Medication, Medicine, Mercy Hospital, Methodone, Middle Parish, Money, Mother, Mumps, Munster Furniture, Munster Furniture and Hardware, Narcotics Anonymous, North Main Street, Parents, Parking, Pawn, Pawn Shop, Pawn Shops, Pawning, Pawns, Pawnshop, Pawnshops, People, Pharmacist, Pictures, Playing, Pothole, Potholes, Poverty, Prescription, Presentation Brothers, Priest, Produce, protests, Pubs, Recycling, Religion, Ryan’s Bar, Ryan’s Pub, Safety, School, Selling, Shawl, Shawlies, Shawls, Sheares Street, Shoes, Shopkeeper, Shopping, Shops, Sickness, smoking, Sober, Sobriety, St Anne's Mental Asylum, St Joseph’s School, St Peter’s, St Peter’s Cemetery, St. Anne's Asylum, St. Anne’s, St. Francis Church, St. Francis School, St. Peter’s Cemetery, Stealing, student accommodation, Students, Sweets, Swim, Swimming, Tanora, Teacher, Teachers, Teenager, The Marsh, The Middle Parish, Theft, Tomb, Treat, Treats, Uptown Grill, Vaccination, vaccine, Vaccines, Vegetables, Violence, Waiting Room, Woodbine, Woodbines, Woodford Bourne, Woodford Bourne's, Woodford Bournes