Browse Items (8 total)
- Tags: Dancing
Peggy Kelleher: The Lough, Marriage, World War 2
Marie Finn: Barrack Street, Blackberry-picking, Catholic Church,
She talks about the games she played as a child and recites part of a rhyme. You could pick blackberries and sell them to a sweet-makers. Oranges and bananas as…
Margaret Newman: Greenmount, Cures, Working Life,
She got cocoa and buns at her primary school. She tells a story about finding out that…
Tags: 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 2000s, Christamas, Cures, Dancing, Food, Greenmount, Herbalism, Margaret Newman, McKechnie’s, Social Care, St Fin Barre’s Cathedral, Working life, World War II
Kevin Leahy: Gurranabraher, Irish Army, Docklands,
He remembers Blarney Street, and women who…
Tags: 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 2000s, Childhood Games, Civil War, Confectionery, Courting, Crubeens, Damie Goggins, Dancing, Dock Workers, Dockers, Drinking, Farranree, Greenmount, Gurranabraher, Irish Army, Irish music, Kelly’s Lane, Kevin Leahy, Kick the Can, Langer, Milk and Cake Shops, Munster Selection, Pubs, Skating, Steering Cars, Steernas, The Congo, Women, Working life
Helen Goulding: Shandon, Catholic Church, Childhood
She talks about her childhood. People had little but shared a lot. Boiled eggs were eaten at Easter time. Everyone was involved…
Dan Jones: Stonemasons, Family Life, Poetry
Breda Sheehan: Halloween Games, Childhood Games, Family
Philomena Cassidy: Grattan Street, Healthcare, The Marsh
Tags: Altar Boys, Arcadia, Bicycles, Bikes, Catholics and Protestants, Céilí, Chemist, Childcare, Children, Children’s Games, Christmas, Churches, Churchgoing, Class, Clothes, Community, Cycling, Dancehalls, Dances, Dancing, Diphtheria, Dispensary, Doctors, Dunlops, Employment, Family, Father, Food, Formality, Forms of Address, Grattan Street, Grattan Street Medical Centre, Graveyard, Hat Making, Home, Home Ownership, House, Houses, Housing, Landlords, Lanes, LDF, Living Conditions, Local Defence Force, Massgoing, Meals, Measles, Mechanic’s Hall, Medical Costs, Medicine, Middle Parish, Money, Mother, Munster Arcade, Music, Neighbourhood, O’Gorman’s Hat Factory, Parents, Pawn Shops, Pawns, Pharmacist, Pharmacy, Plays, Prescriptions, Pride, Protestant, Pub, Quakers, Rationing, Rations, Religion, Rent, Respectability, Role of Women, Sanitation, Sarsfield’s Court, School, Sense of Community, Shandon, Shop, Sick Pay, Sickness, St Francis Church, St Francis Hall, St Peter and Paul’s, St. Francis Hall, Stew, Streets, Streetscape, Sweets, Tanora, TB, Tenement, Tenement life, The Marsh, Time, Timekeeping, Traffic, Transport, Treat, Tuberculosis, Vouchers, Water Pump, Wellington Boots, Work, Working, Working life