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- Tags: TB
Pauline Matthews
Paul O'Brien
Tags: Canada, Christian Brother College Cork, Christians (CBC), Cork city, Covid 19, Dr Con O’Leary, Heatherside Sanatrium, Hospitals, Infectious Disease, Polio, Polio outbreak 1956, Poliomyelitis, Public Health, Rugby, Sanitoria, St Finbarr’s Hospital, TB, Toronto, Tuberculosis, Tuberculosis (TB), UCC, University College Cork, Vaccination, Vaccines
Johnny Chris Kelleher: The Evening Echo, Schooldays, Tuberculosis
Tags: Allotments, Anglesea Street, Barrett’s Buildings, BBC, Bingo, Bird-Catching, Blackpool, Bowling, Boxing, Boy Murphy, Card Games, Children’s Games, Children’s Mass, Christy Ring, Churchfield, Coliseum Theatre, Corbett’s Lane, Cork Corporation, Don, Donncha Ó Céileachair, Drisheen, Echo Boys, Evening Echo, Fair Hill, Fairs, Father O’Flynn, Faulkner’s Lane, Food, Gurranabraher, Gurranabraher Road, Hiroshima, Housey Housey, Housing, Irish Language, Jack Lynch, Johnny Chris Kelleher, Kearney’s Lane, Margaret O’Sullivan, Mossy Condon, Newsboys, Newspapers, Nicknames, Northside, O’Flynn family; O’Gorman’s Factory, Pádraig Ó hÓgáin, Polly Kelleher, Seán O’Mahony, Sketchy Roche, Slaughterhouses, Social Housing, Sport, St Anne’s Hurling Club, Street names, TB, The Holly Bough, Tommy Hyde, Tommy Kelleher, Trimbath Mulcahy, Trimbath’s Lane, Tripe, Tripe Houses, Tuberculosis, Walter McEvilly, Working class, Working life, World War II
Philomena Cassidy: Grattan Street, Healthcare, The Marsh
Tags: Altar Boys, Arcadia, Bicycles, Bikes, Catholics and Protestants, Céilí, Chemist, Childcare, Children, Children’s Games, Christmas, Churches, Churchgoing, Class, Clothes, Community, Cycling, Dancehalls, Dances, Dancing, Diphtheria, Dispensary, Doctors, Dunlops, Employment, Family, Father, Food, Formality, Forms of Address, Grattan Street, Grattan Street Medical Centre, Graveyard, Hat Making, Home, Home Ownership, House, Houses, Housing, Landlords, Lanes, LDF, Living Conditions, Local Defence Force, Massgoing, Meals, Measles, Mechanic’s Hall, Medical Costs, Medicine, Middle Parish, Money, Mother, Munster Arcade, Music, Neighbourhood, O’Gorman’s Hat Factory, Parents, Pawn Shops, Pawns, Pharmacist, Pharmacy, Plays, Prescriptions, Pride, Protestant, Pub, Quakers, Rationing, Rations, Religion, Rent, Respectability, Role of Women, Sanitation, Sarsfield’s Court, School, Sense of Community, Shandon, Shop, Sick Pay, Sickness, St Francis Church, St Francis Hall, St Peter and Paul’s, St. Francis Hall, Stew, Streets, Streetscape, Sweets, Tanora, TB, Tenement, Tenement life, The Marsh, Time, Timekeeping, Traffic, Transport, Treat, Tuberculosis, Vouchers, Water Pump, Wellington Boots, Work, Working, Working life
Derek O'Connell: Grattan Street, Healthcare, Working Life
Tags: Accident and Emergency, Alcohol, Autism, Baths, Being a Man, Blarney Street, Boys, Bubble Car, Cards, Career, Career Path, Cathedral Road, CBC, Characters, Child Rearing, Childbirth, Childhood Games, Children’s Games, Chipper, Christian Brothers, Cigarettes, Class, Cork, Cork city, Cork Exhibition, Cork University Hospital, Cycling, Disease, Doctor, dyslexia, Eglington Street Baths, Eglinton Street Baths, Elitism, Emigration, Fish, Fitzgerald’s Park, Food, Games, GP, Grandparents, Guilt, Gurranebraher Road, Hettyfield, Hollyhill, Hospital, Houses, Hypothyroid, Injuries, Intuition, Knitting, Lavitt's Quay, Leaving Certificate, Maylor Street, Measles, Medical Training, Medical Treatment, Medicine, Mental Health, Mercy Hospital, North Infirmary, Northside, Nursing, One Day A Week School, Parents, Patients, Pawn Shops, Placenames, Playing, Polio, Ponnies, Psychiatric, Public Baths, Public Health, Public Health Nurse, Pubs, Respectability, Role of Women, Rugby, Sarsfield Court, School, Schooldays, Shawlie, Shawlies, Shawls, Social Media, Social Status, Spanish Civil War, St Aloysius, stigma, TB, Teachers, Templeacre Bar, Tenements, The Marsh, Tuberculosis, UCC Philosoph, Uniforms, University, University College Cork, Vaccines, whooping cough, Winter's Hill, Working, Working life, Workplace, Wyses Hill
Imelda Cunning: Grattan Street, Healthcare, Working Life
Tags: Administration, Alcohol, Amputation, Area Medical Officer, Ballyphehane, Beach, Biomechanics, Camaraderie, Canteen, Car Park, Car Parking, Career, Childhood, Children, Children’s Games, Christmas, Client, Clients, Community, Cork, Corkbeg, Corkbeg Beach, Counselling, Course, Deformity, Diabetes, Disease, Diseases, Dispensary, Doctor, Edinburgh, Employment, Family, Feet, Flood, Floods, Foot, Foot Care, Gangrene, Glasgow, GP, Grand-aunt, Grandfather, Grandmother, Grandparents, Grattan Street, Grattan Street Medical Centre, Greenmount, Gurranabraher, Health, Health Career, History Curriculum, Holiday, Holidays, HSE, Illness, Inch beach, Infection, Irish History, Irish Medicines Board, Job, Marriage Registrar, Marsh, Medical, Medicine, Middle Parish, Music, Nail Surgery, Nails, Neurovascular Disease, Optician, Optometrist, Parking, Patient, Patients, Playing, Podiatry, Polio, Prescription, Quakers, Refugees, Rickets, Roches Point, School, Scotland, Sickness, Ski, Skiing, Speech and Language, St. Mary’s Primary Care Centre, Staff, Surgery, Swine Flu, TB, Teacher, Teachers, The Marsh, The Middle Parish, Trabolgan, Training, Tuberculosis, Ulcer, University, Vaccination, vaccine, Vaccines, Whitegate, Work, Work Environment, Working life