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- Tags: Working class
Johnny Chris Kelleher: The Evening Echo, Schooldays, Tuberculosis
Tags: Allotments, Anglesea Street, Barrett’s Buildings, BBC, Bingo, Bird-Catching, Blackpool, Bowling, Boxing, Boy Murphy, Card Games, Children’s Games, Children’s Mass, Christy Ring, Churchfield, Coliseum Theatre, Corbett’s Lane, Cork Corporation, Don, Donncha Ó Céileachair, Drisheen, Echo Boys, Evening Echo, Fair Hill, Fairs, Father O’Flynn, Faulkner’s Lane, Food, Gurranabraher, Gurranabraher Road, Hiroshima, Housey Housey, Housing, Irish Language, Jack Lynch, Johnny Chris Kelleher, Kearney’s Lane, Margaret O’Sullivan, Mossy Condon, Newsboys, Newspapers, Nicknames, Northside, O’Flynn family; O’Gorman’s Factory, Pádraig Ó hÓgáin, Polly Kelleher, Seán O’Mahony, Sketchy Roche, Slaughterhouses, Social Housing, Sport, St Anne’s Hurling Club, Street names, TB, The Holly Bough, Tommy Hyde, Tommy Kelleher, Trimbath Mulcahy, Trimbath’s Lane, Tripe, Tripe Houses, Tuberculosis, Walter McEvilly, Working class, Working life, World War II
Derrick Gerrety: Douglas Street, Loafers, Dublin,
Mary Mulcahy: Grattan Street, Healthcare, The Marsh
Tags: Alcohol, Baths, Candy Apples, Children’s Games, Christmas, Class, Class Attitudes, Coal Quay, Confession, Cork Boat Club, Diphtheria, Division of Housework, Drinking, Elite, English market, Fasting, Fitzgerald’s Park, Food, Franciscans, Friends, Friendship, Funerals, Gerald Griffin Street, Gratitude, Grattan Street, Gresham Rooms, Happiness, Happy Memories, Health, Holidays, Illness, LDF, Lee Fields, Lent, Local Defence Force, Marriage, Massgoing, Medicine, Memories, Middle Parish, Neighbours, North Cathedral, Offal, Philosophy of life, Polio, Pub Culture, Pubs, Quakers, Religion, Religious Observation, Role of Men, Role of Women, Routine, Sanitation, School, Sex, Sheares Street, Shopping, Shops, Showbands, Singing, Skirts and Kidneys, Slang, Songs, St Francis Church, St Francis Hall, St Maries of the Isle, St Peter and Paul’s Church, St. Francis Hall, Sweets, Swim, Swimming, Tenements, The Arcadia, The Marsh, Traffic, Train, Transport, Tripe, Tripe and Drisheen, Work, Working class, Youghal