Browse Items (7 total)
- Tags: Corporal Punishment
Liam Foley: The war of Independence, Corporal Punishment, Music
Liam was born in 1940 in Water Lane. His father, John, was a cabinet maker, who also liked to play music, and could play…
John Collins: Working Life, Railways, Corporal Punishment,
John Connolly: Childhood Games; Corporal Punishment; Family Life
Noreen Geaney: Childhood Games, Céilí, Halloween, School, The Stations.
Noreen was born in Cuileann Ui Chaoimh in Co. Cork. She had three sisters and one brother. She attended Owen na Bui National School. She lived…
Tags: 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, Céilí, Celebration, Childhood Games, Cork 2005, Corporal Punishment, Dublin, Farming, Fish, Food, Funerals, Halloween, Noreen Geaney, School, Teachers, The Stations
Joe Scanlan: Grattan Street, Healthcare, The Marsh
Tags: Accommodation, Addiction, Adelaide Street, Alcohol, Alcoholics Anonymous, Alcoholism, Alleys, Angler, Angling, Animals, Anti-Social Behaviour, Asylum, Bailiff, Bar, bars, boys fighting, Bread, Building, Built Heritage, Car, Car Park, Caretaker, Carpark, Cars, Cart, Cemetery, Characters, Childhood, Children, Children’s Games, Chipper, Chippers, Chips, Cigarettes, Cinema, City Centre, Clothes, Coal Quay, Cocoa, Coleman’s Lane, Community, Cooking, Cork Characters, Corporal Punishment, Crime, Dermot’s Shop, development, Disease, Diseases, Dispensary, Doctor, Doctors, Drink, Edel House, Families, Family, Farmers, Father, Fighting, Fights, Film, Films, Fish and Chips, Fishing, Fishing Rod, Fitzgerald’s Park, Fleas, Food, Forde’s, Friends, Fruit, Gamblers Anonymous, Games, Garda, Gardai, Grandmother, Grattan Street, Graveyard, Halloween, Headlice, Health, health and hygiene, Home, Home Ownership, Horse, Horse and Cart, Horses, House, House Ownership, Housing, HSE, Hygiene, Ice-cream, Illness, income inequality, Inequality, Joseph’s School, Kick the Bucket, Lee Fields, Lice, Liver, Liver Disease, London, markets, Marsh, Mass, Meals, Medication, Medicine, Mercy Hospital, Methodone, Middle Parish, Money, Mother, Mumps, Munster Furniture, Munster Furniture and Hardware, Narcotics Anonymous, North Main Street, Parents, Parking, Pawn, Pawn Shop, Pawn Shops, Pawning, Pawns, Pawnshop, Pawnshops, People, Pharmacist, Pictures, Playing, Pothole, Potholes, Poverty, Prescription, Presentation Brothers, Priest, Produce, protests, Pubs, Recycling, Religion, Ryan’s Bar, Ryan’s Pub, Safety, School, Selling, Shawl, Shawlies, Shawls, Sheares Street, Shoes, Shopkeeper, Shopping, Shops, Sickness, smoking, Sober, Sobriety, St Anne's Mental Asylum, St Joseph’s School, St Peter’s, St Peter’s Cemetery, St. Anne's Asylum, St. Anne’s, St. Francis Church, St. Francis School, St. Peter’s Cemetery, Stealing, student accommodation, Students, Sweets, Swim, Swimming, Tanora, Teacher, Teachers, Teenager, The Marsh, The Middle Parish, Theft, Tomb, Treat, Treats, Uptown Grill, Vaccination, vaccine, Vaccines, Vegetables, Violence, Waiting Room, Woodbine, Woodbines, Woodford Bourne, Woodford Bourne's, Woodford Bournes
Eileen Kearney: Grattan Street, Healthcare, Working Life
Tags: Acute Care, Addiction, Admin, Administration, Alcohol, Alcoholics, Alcoholism, Animals, Ante-natal, Barnardos, Behavioural Issues, Black Pudding, Boarding School, Building, Building Maintenance, Buildings, Built Heritage, Butchers, Camaraderie, Car Park, Car Parking, Care of Children, Carmelites, Change, Child, Child Protection, Child Welfare, Childhood, Children, Christmas, Christmas Party, Client, Clients, Colleagues, Community, Cooking, Cork, Corporal Punishment, Deprivation, Dinner, Disabilities, Disability, Drisheen, Education, European Health Insurance, Family Support, Farm, Fermoy, Fermoy Hospital, Food, Grandparents, Grattan Street, Happy Memories, Hockey, Hollis Street Hospital, Hollyhill, Home, Hospital, Hospital Ward, Hospitals, House, Housing, HSE, Junior Cert, Kitchen, Knocknaheeny, Loreto College Fermoy, Love, Maintenance, Management, Mart, Marts, Meal, Meals, Meat, Memories, Mental Health, Mercy Hospital, Midwife, Midwifery, Motherhood, North Cork, North Lee, Northside, Nurse, Nursing, Nursing Training, Parents, Patient, Patients, People, PHN, Playing, Polypharmacy, Pregnancy, Public Health Nursing, Religion, Religion in Medicine, Role of Religion, Rosary, School, School Expenses, Self-neglect, Shop, Siblings, Single Mothers, Sláinte Care, Slaughter House, Social, Social Conditions, Social Disadvantage, Sport, St Francis Church, St. Mary’s Primary Care Centre, Staff, Staff Turnover, Strike, Tallow, Training, Tripe, Tusla, Unemployment, Vaccines, Ward, Waterford, Work, Workers, Working, Workplace
Don Morrissy: Grattan Street, Healthcare, Working Life
Tags: Arcadia, Bands, Business, Cars, Childhood, Childhood Games, Children’s Games, Clare, Coal Quay, Commercial Travellers, Cooking, Corporal Punishment, Dancehalls, Dances, Entrepreneur, Fermoy, Fitzgerald’s Park, Food, Gobs, Grattan Street, Guesthouse, Healthcare, Honan Chapel, Katty Barry, Mardyke, Marriage, Medicine, Medicines, Middle Parish, Music, Musical Instruments, Parents, Playing, Presentation Brothers, Public Baths, Respectability, School, Schooldays, Shawlie, Shawlies, Shawls, Sheares Street, Spanish Flu, Sport, St Joseph's School, The Marsh, Tripe, Tripe and Drisheen, UCC, UCC Philosoph, University, University College Cork, Weddings, Working, Working life