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- Tags: Laneways
Rosarii Comber: North Gate Chemist
Margaret Newman: Shawlies, Blackberry-picking, Laneways,
She talks about the Bandon railway line, which was so slow you could lean out of the windows and pick blackberries.…
Liam Ó hUigín: Grattan Street, Healthcare, The Marsh
Tags: Accommodation, Adelaide Street, Air Raid Shelter, Alcohol, Bakeries, Bakery, Ballypheane, Ballyphehane, Barbers, bars, Bathing, Baths, Billycan, Bonfire Night, Bread, Breakfast, Broad Lane, Buildings, Bullycans, Business, businesses, Buying on Credit, Cagney, Car, Cars, Catholic Devotion, Catholicism, Cemetery, changing technology, Chase, Chemist, Childhood, Childhood Games, Children, Children’s Games, Christmas, Christmas Cake, Church, Churches, Cigarettes, Class, Clothes, Clothing, Coal, Coal Quay, Coleman’s Lane, Community Centre, Connie Dodgers, Cooking, Corner Shop, Corner Shops, Credit, Credit Union, Crubeen, Crubeens, Customer, Customers, Dagenham Yank, Death, Dermot’s Shop, Disease, Diseases, Dispensary, Docker, Dockers, Docks, Dr, Drink, Drisheen, Eglinton Baths, Elizabeth Fort, Elysian Tower, Emigrant, Emigrants, Emigration, Employment, Families, Family, Fast, Fasting, Father, Fighting, Fights, Fire Brigade, Fire Station, Fishermen, Food, Football, Friends, Friendship, Fuel, Fuel Poverty, Gender Roles, Golf, Grandmother, Grattan Street, Grattan Street Health Centre, Grattan Street Medical Centre, Graveyard, Great Coat, Hair Lice, Hairdresser, Hairdressers, Headstones, Health, Heating, Henry Street, Hobbies, Home, Hospital, House, Illness, Illnesses, Jewellery, Lanes, Laneways, LDF, Lee, Lee Baths, Lee Fields, Lent, Lice, Living Arrangements, Local Defence Force, Lunch, Manning’s Shop, Mardyke, Marsh, Mass, Mass-Going, Meal, Meals, Meat, Medication, Medicine, Medicines, Meningitis, Mental Health, Mercy Hospital, Middle Parish, Midwife, Mischief, Money, Mother, North Main Street, Nurse, Nurses, Opening Hours, Outdoor Baths, Outdoor Swimming, Outdoor Toilet, Parents, Pastimes, Patrick Hanley Buildings, Pawn Shops, Pawning, Pawns, Pawnshops, Peter Church Lane, Pharmacist, Pharmacy, Phone, Phones, Planking, Playing, Poverty, Public House, Public Houses, Pubs, Race, Radio, Religion, River Lee, Sandwich, Sanitation, School, Schooldays, Second World War, Shandon, Shandon Bells, Sheares Street, Shoes, Shopkeeper, Shops, Sick, Sickness, Skipping, Skipping School, Slang, Soccer, Social Conditions, South Main Street, Spinning Top, Sport, St Francis Church, St Peter’s, St Peter’s Cemetery, St. Francis Church, Street Games, Streets, Sugar, Sullivan’s Quay, Sweets, Swim, Swimming, Telephone, Telephones, Tenement, tenement houses, Tenements, Terence MacSwiney, The Lee, The Marsh, The Middle Parish, Theft, Tin, Tinsmith, Toilet, Toilets, Tory Top Road, Traditions, Traffic, Tripe, Tripe and Drisheen, Vaccination, vaccine, Vaccines, Vegetables, Vincent’s Bridge, Voucher, Vouchers, Watches, Weir, Winter, Woolworths, Work, Working, World War II, World War Two, WW2